National Scientific Research Institute for labour and social protection
HG no. 1305/1996 regarding the National Scientific Research Institute for Labor and Social Protection establishment
HG no. 1773/2004 regarding the National Scientific Research Institute for Labor and Social Protection steamling and working
Order no. 588/2004 of Labour, Social Solidarity and Family Minister, regarding approval of organizational structure of the National Scientific Research Institute for Labor and Social Protection.
Consiliul de Administraţie este format din 7 membri, componenţa fiind aprobată prin Ordinul nr. 745/25.05.2017, emis de Ministerul Muncii şi Justiţiei Sociale.
Functions of Scientific Council
Elaborates, debates, appoints and supervises the implementation of the Institute’s short and medium term R&D Strategy.
Elaborates, debates, appoints and supervises the implementation the Institute’s RDI Plan on current year, witch is submit to be appointed by the Institute’s Board of Administration.
Elaborates and supervises the implementation of the Institute’s Professional Training Plan.
Elaborates and supervises the application of the procedure for professional promoting of R&D personnel.
Supervises the achieving of the scientific objectives of research agreements and approves the R&D results/products according with the activity plan.
Proposes and approves the national and international scientific cooperation actions.
Proposes, organizes and coordinate the Institute’s scientific events.
Comisia de Etică, stabilită prin Decizia Directorului general Nr. 294/07 aprilie 2010, este formată din:
dr. Speranţa Pârciog - director ştiinţific, CSI, INCSMPS
dr. Cătălin Ghinăraru - secretat ştiinţific, CS gr.I, INCSMPS
dr. Nicolae Cătăniciu - şef departament, CS gr.I, INCSMPS
dr. Aniela Matei - şef departament, CS gr.III, INCSMPS
Cristina Stroe - şef departament, CS gr.II, INCSMPS
jurist Codruţa Drăgoiu - CS gr.II, INCSMPS